The 10 secrets of DIY maintenance
You should invest in a tyre pressure gauge and check your tyre pressures every week
Dennis Images/Pete Gibson
Checking your oil is one of the easiest - and most important - parts of car maintenance
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By inserting a 20p coin in your tyre's tread gives a instant clue as to whether your tyre is legal. If you can see any of the coin's ridge, you're nearing the legal limit.
Headlamp bulbs are removed from the rear of the headlight. Access can be poor.
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Try not to touch the bulb's glass. They're fragile and are easily damaged.
tom wood
Changing your screenwash couldn't be easier. Pop the lid and top up - but don't let it overflow.
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When the engine is cold, locate the dipstick to check your oil levels
Slowly pour oil into the engine and check the dipstick every so often to avoid overfilling
pete gibson
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Changing an air filter is fairly easy. Just remove the air filter cover and drop the air filter inside - checking it's the right way round.
Take care when you're changing sparkplugs, particularly when screwing or unscrewing them in or out of the engine block.
Trombax - Fotolia
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Jet washing your car isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing
It's far better to wash your car's paintwork by hand, using good quality shampoo.
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Changing your wiperblades is fairly straightforward, but all cars vary slightly